What Carrie Fisher meant to us geeks

With a heavy heart we announce the passing of Carrie Fisher, after a severe heart attack, She has joined the force and left a void in the hearts of fans all over the world. Grief is not something that you can simplify into 5 steps  and assume everyone will be fine. We hope that in pointing out some of the great things that Carrie was apart of in our lives we can ease the pain and celebrate the life of a phenomenal force.

Carrie Fisher meant courage.

Standing up to Lord Vader Like a Boss.

For most of us, Princess Leia was the representation of the mysterious beautiful woman that we would change our lives for. In the beginning, a simple hologram message showing Leia was all we needed to embark on a journey to save the galaxy.  

Carrie Fisher meant strength.

Saving Han Solo Like a Boss.

As we continue throughout the series we see not a damsel in distress but a woman capable and a competent figure. Her story provides a lesson in the male dominated world of Sci Fi and Fantasy.  She came to Han’s Rescue, She was not seduced by the dark side, she found Luke dangling off a space station missing a hand. She was a the first volunteer and true rebellion participant of our original cast of heroes.

Carrie Fisher meant sexy.

Leia was no slave. She was a survivor. Leia owned her sexuality in a way that many of us could not understand.  But ultimately we were not attracted to her because she was half naked, it was because even half naked she did not succumb to the weak tropes that plague many of our female characters, she steps up and kills Jabba (spoilers) in a bikini, something Han and Luke would never have the Midi-chlorians to do.  

Carrie Fisher meant maturity.

Us “Lukes” of the world learned a lesson about relationship. That a woman chooses who she’s with. Princess Leia showed us that she was not obligated to us just because we felt we were the main character (also siblings *spoilers*).  She also shows us that she was not just contented finding a man. Her life’s goal was working to rid the world of the empire and it is an example for us to see how we can write women purposefully and not just as objects of rescue and acquisition.

Fans honor Carrie

–Michelle Flamm, a Fan

Carrie Fisher meant more than Princess Leia.

This was not just a woman who played a good part. This was an actress who became globally known with the release of A New Hope. She became a symbol, a role model, a mother, a screenwriter, an author, a producer, a speaker, and a legendary figure in the lives of Geeks everywhere.

Carrie is an example for all of us dealing with bipolar disorder and other mental health issues. She is a survivor of substance abuse, hollywood and its body and age discrimination. In the end, Carrie was a person who succeeded to mean more than just sex appeal on the big screen we can all relate to her in some way giving us a new hope to continue through life and that is worth honoring.

May the Force be with you Carrie Fisher…

What did Carrie Fisher mean to you?  Let us know, in the comments below!


–H00k 0ut.

One Comment

  1. This was well written, and thoughtful.

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