Ok, sadly, the GameStop Expo 2015 (GSX 15′) is over. This was our first GameStop Expo and our first trip to Vegas so there was a bit of a learning curve. Despite our noobie level, we managed to have a great time and enjoy most of what the exhibition had to offer. By the power of Grey– uh–Hindsight, we realized some things that would have been helpful while tackling the Expo Floor.
Here are a few Pro Tips that you can use for next year’s Game stop Expo, and some pointers to make the most of your next conference, convention, or expo.
Be prepared to Sweat
The formula goes like this
Thousands of Geeks + a butt load of tech = Hot as balls.
The expo floor or exhibition hall is one of the hottest places. There are herds of people all excited and moving generally working their bodies more than normal. Deodorant, Anti- Perspirant, Baby powder and Gold bond are all your friends. You can’t be truly comfortable if you are self-conscious about the odors you are emitting, so keep those things handy.
Wear Comfortable Shoes
You will be walking/standing a lot, your feet will start to ache around hour 3 if you are stand for long periods at your job and even earlier if not, put on good shoes for the situation and insoles mate, insoles.
Are you???
Walking the Vegas Strip pre and post expo was an experience, and trying to look fancy with heels or nice clothes seems great in theory but One, you will be walking and two, there will be plenty of other people SUPER CASUAL and having a much easier time with the heat than you.
If you are good to your body it will be good to you, Sugar and Salt dehydrate you and you will already be sweating and using fluids more than ususal (those nerdgasms). It is a great time to take care of yourself and SEVERELY limit the junk you ingest, especially if you are prone to headaches or have any pre existing conditons that make this environment difficult.
If you plan on cosplaying, dedicate some time for you as well as the general public who are going to want to take pictures of you/ with you. Don’t burn yourself out being our celebrity work horse.
It is good to have a back-up pair of shoes and parts that you can remove if the costume is not quite comfortable them people will be better able to tell if you are “off-duty” or not.
Eyes UP!
People are tying to hand you all kinds of flyers and leaflets on the Strip. Most you probably don’t want. Keeping you gaze slightly higher and more centralized than normal will reduce the eye contact that initiates engagement.
This will not work all the time so you can also try keeping some easily held items in your hands or having a friend walking with you that you can have engaging conversations with while you travel so people do not have an “in” to solicit you.
Bags, On Bags, On Bags
There will be plenty of exhibitors handing out free bags at least 3 or 4 vendors. if you are swag hunters like us you will want to find the booth that is giving away the biggest bags and ask for 2. Get them early or bring your own! We bring an empty duffle bag on trips so that we can stock up on swag. The more bags you have the easier it is to organize and grab more stuff!
There will be several awesome posters and art available, but where to put them? If you will not be able to pack those kinds of things immediately we suggest investing in a Poster tube (if only a vendor would give those away *hint hint). That way your autographed Uncharted 4 poster can survive the expo without fear of the dreaded CORNER BEND.
Have a Plan
Everything you do takes time, planning is the one thing that you can do before you get there to eliminate wasting precious nano-seconds.
Use the Map! Pick your most desired thing and go straight to it, while in line for it pick the next, use the hurry up and wait nature of this expo to your advantage
Your shirt size runs out fast unless you do not wear shirts or don’t have a torso. In any case to get the right size get to those booths early. Many of them will require you to sign up for something so you will have to choose what things are most worth your time.
Eating anywhere on the strip is over priced, either pay for the convenience of food nearby,or pay for the taxi to Chinatown with some more cost effective eating.
Planning should include some random. You may just want to explore or try a famous spot that you remembered at that moment, put away some rubees for those incidentals and you will be able to breathe easier knowing that you are not literally burning a hole in your wallet.
Never Go Alone
At least one person should come with you, If there is no one that can go with you, GET SOCIAL in a hurry. Make sure that if you are in a line and gotta potty, the person next to you has your back.
When traveling with a friend coordinate with them. You cannot see everything so having a player 2 can allow you to split up then at least have you can have a secondhand account of the things that you missed.
Leave your Shy at home
There will be all the things and stuff and people and cool stuff and anxiety might hold you back on an average day, but this is no average day, this is the EXPO! People want to interact as much as you want to talk to them, so do it.
Leave it all on the field.
There was Rockband Karaoke, There was dancing, there were droves of free stuff for anyone willing to live outside the “comfort zone” at the expo. Go and live for the moment, there is a limited time so if you want something ask for it, if you want to try something do it, if you think someone has a cool shirt, tell them. Make full use of the event, and remember…
Hope these hints make your next expo even more awesome and if you have some more pro tips,
Please let us know, in the comments below…
–Hook Out